Who says you need all sorts of things when cooking something that involves blanching and frying in the making? The tips is that, use the same utensil for all procedures.
For example, I want to prepare telur dadar, stir-fry sayur and ikan goreng. First, masak telur dadar. Using the same kuali, masak sayur pulak. Next, you may want to rinse the kuali a bit. Lapkan and panaskan minyak untuk goreng ikan pulak. In the end, you only have ONE kuali to wash. As a working mom, I can’t be cerewet and use different utensil for different type of cooking.
Also, I want to share easy peasy WEEKDAYS NOODLE. It is easy to prepare, and takes a short time also, hence the name. To accommodate the little time we have during weekdays to prepare dinner for our family.
Here goes..
Mee (jenis yang selalu buat wantan mee)
Chicken stock
Bawang kisar
Sesame oil
Put water into a wok and bring to boil.
Add cooking oil.
Drop mee into the boiling water.
Cook until just tender.
Transfer into tapis and rinse.
Add kicap and sesame oil to the mee and gaulkan sampai rata.
Heat frozen chicken stock sampai cair.
Meanwhile, panaskan wok tadi dan masukkan minyak.
Tumis bawang kisar until fragrant.
Add chicken stock, bring to a boil.
Add fishball and tomato.
Add a bit of salt to taste (jangan masin sgt sbb mee dah digaul dengan kicap)
Ambil mee and add the soup, serve immediately (kalau tak mee ti ‘soggy’ dan jadi besar dan lembik). To beautify, garnish with potongan daun bawang dan daun sup.
mee yang digunakan. sebelum kena celur
mee tengah kena celur. kuali tu digunakan utk menumis later
chicken stock (maaf Iman, Ummi ambik seketul), melting
mee yang dah digaul kicap dan minyak bijan
taraaaa.... (takde daun bawang - kehabisan stok!)
thanks ummi
saya pun heat balik mknan yg dah disejuk beku tu
biasanya IV kuarkan dr freeze then masuk dlm bekal LC
(sorry salah tajuk ;-P)
ummi thanks for recipe
kiub ayam tu ummi buat mcm mana
IV punya style, beli yg tulang ayam tu
masuk dlm rice cooker, air secukupnya
dah empuk, blend then tapis, kiubkan..
(org malas punya recipe)
IV, tu stock ayam yang dibekukan. kalau nak buat mee sup, senang. takyah rebus ayam lama2, mmg dah ada sedia.
ps bukan malas tp conveniende!
nak tanya, stok ayam beku tu blh simpan berapa lama ya dlm freeze.
seronoknya dpt join ngna org yg rajin masak2 ni :D
syikin - 6 weeks the most. rajin? taklah sangat... try to make things convenience.
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