Wednesday, May 31, 2006

pan-fried fish fillet w lemon sauce

Kategory - food for all



Selamat memasak ikan malam semalam. Ikan yang ditinggalkan (TERtinggal sebenarnya) atas sinki masih ada hawa-hawa sejuk masa kami balik. Kasi rendam dalam air campuran limau nipis sikit, buang hanyir.

Memula ummi nak memasak. Tapi washing-machine dah siap berputar masa sampai rumah. Nak kena sidai pulak. Last-last mdh yang masak. Ummi sidai kain. Dan basuh pinggan. Dan makan.

Senang aje.
Eh, apa nama hidangannya?

Here goes….
Untuk IKAN
- Fish fillet. Kat supermarket ada jual fillet dory but semalam kami try ikan siakap. Kasi buang tulang kat tetengah tu dan cabut tulang kat bahagian perut.
- Garam

+ Keringkan fish fillet.
+ Tabur garam.
+ Letak minyak sikit atas pan supaya tak melekat, then pan-grill kejap. Api sederhana. One side 6 minutes. Do not attempt to balikkan sebelum bahagian tu masak. If not nanti abis berderai sbb masih melekat kat pan.

- Butter
- Lemon juice
- Chicken cube/stock
- Tepung jagung
- Daun sup – hiris halus
- Rosemary
- Oregano

+ Heat butter in a small pan.
+ Add water. Bring to a boil. Preferably guna chicken stock.
+ Add a bit of chicken cube (kalau guna air – kalau chicken stock tak yah bubuh dah)
+ Add tepung jagung (bancuh dulu dengan air yek)
+ Add a bit of sugar
+ Simmer for 1 or 2 minutes.
+ Tutup api.
+ Masukkan daun sup, rosemary dan oregano. Mix well.

- Boleh guna apa-apa vege yang sesuai.
- Last night was french bean (kacang buncis) and carrot.
- Celur dalam air menggelegak yang dicampur sedikit minyak dan garam. Bila masak, tapiskan. Barulah sayur nampak ‘seksi’ (sbb ada kilat2 minyak tu)
- Celur dalam 3-4 minit saja. Kalau tak abis lembik nanti.

Caution – agak tak berapa mengenyangkan sbb tak ada karbo....

close-up ikan

Saturday, May 27, 2006

black pepper steak - HUTANG RESEPI

Kategori - food for all
NOTE: maaf resepi belum ada. tukang masak sibuk!

blackpepper steak

accompanied by easy peasy potato wedges

tiada kaitan dengan steak. saja nak bubuh gambar. it's egg tofu

Friday, May 26, 2006

chili con carne - HUTANG RESEPI

NOTA: Maaf resepi belum ada. Tukang masak busy..

the recipe will be posted later..

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Category - tips

hari ni bukan nak post recipe. belum berkesempatan nak cuba resepi baru. mungkin the next one will be chili con carne. kami dah try beberapa kali and found it easy and tasty. for those yang wonder, chili con carne ni macam yang kita makan dengan A&W hotdog. the first time i came acrcoss the recipe, i was wondering, apa benda lah chili con carne ni.


sharing few tips with you all today. tips simple2 je which maybe you all dah tau pun. tapi mungkin ada yang tak tau kan.

1. tho i prefer shop for barang2 basah kat pasar, at times i have to shop at places like carrefour or tesco. kalau kat pasar tu, nak beli daun sup/daun bawang, boleh main mintak nak 50c ke, rm1 ke. kalau kat hypermart ni, dah siap dibundle2 kan. and selalunya banyak (by my standard lah sbb kami cuma berempat, 2 dewasa 2 kanak). so bagi mengelakkan jadi layu, kering dan last2 masuk tong sampah, here's what i do. basahkan suratkhabar. basahkan daun sup/daun bawang (jgn sampai menakung air pulak yek, cukup sekadar renjis renjis dipilis jek). then wrap daun2 tu dengan suratkhabar lembap tadi. pastu masukkan dalam plastik bag dan simpan dalam fridge. i keep them up to 2 weeks, masih elok lagi.

2. for those yang nak pindah rumah baru, renovate rumah, menghias rumah, here's one simple tip. syikin commented in my last post pasal racks which i hang kat railing untuk letak sos2, rempah2 whatnots. it is good for those rumah yang dapurnya kecik. like mine. we dont have much space for working area (dapur = working area+storage area+cooking area) so kami pasang railing kat dinding. beli rak dan letakkan barang dalam rak tu. gantung kat railing. so, tabletop dapatlah di freekan sikit, making space for working area. kalau rak tak cukup, boleh tambah lagi selagi railing permits. kalau tak muat jugak, kena pecahkan dinding dan besarkan dapur! i wish one day i can have a dapur cam nigella. siap ada bilik kecik tpt dia letak barang2 masakan yang kering.

3. as for stove, kalau ada ongkos, opt for yang ada automatik tutup gas if api padam. sekarang ni selalu ribut, tak perasan api terpadam especially kalau masak stail simmer (api kecik). one more thing, do opt for yang ada starter guna battery. ada yang guna letrik. ada yang ada dua2. mine have both tp kami guna battery. kalau blackout, still boleh pasang dapur.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

cokkodok kentang

Category - food for all

selain menyimpan barang-barang yang tak digunakan untuk sementara waktu seperti babygym iman atau mainan yang harus disorokkan sementara seperti play-doh kakak, stor kami juga tempat menyimpan stok susu iman (almaklumkan, member tu hisap susu sampai 8 tin sebulan.. mana muat nak letak dalam kabinet kami yang sememangnya sedia comel) dan juga bawang2 dan ubi2.

sneak-peek at our little store-room. for convenience-sake, it is
advisable to invest in storage-system. in our case, we install shelves.
for little things, we have drawers to accomodate the mess.

petang tadi melawat stor. sebenarnya almost everday kami keluar masuk stor, untuk ambil kain lap dapur, untuk ambik beg plastik bekas sampah dan sebagainya. tapi petang tadi baru perasan ada 4 biji potato yang dah membiak. rasa nak cuba tanam, tapi apakan daya pasu masih belum berisi tanah. nak tak nak, korbankan saja. bukan korban dalam tong sampah, tapi korbankan jadik cokkodok.

kakak dan iman suka. berulang-ulang ambik. mula2 disuap abah. kemudian ummi. kemudian si kakak ambik dan makan sendiri. i think it's a good diversion from the usual cokkodok pisang or 'jjempuk udang' or 'jjempuk sutong'.

so, here goes the recipe

- potatoes
- carrot
- daun sup
- tepung gandum
- garam

- rebus potatoes dan carrot hingga lembut.
- bila agak sejuk, lenyek hingga hacur.
- masukkan daun sup yang dihiris halus
- masukkan garam
- masukkan tepung
- gaul rata
- golekkan menjadi bentuk yang dikehendaki. in between a few 'goleks', sapu minyak pada tangan supaya tak melekat antara satu sama lain.
- goreng hingga kekuningan.

i have yet to try any recipe in
any of these books

our little lab where we
experiment recipes

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

pasta spirali with tuna flake

Category - food for all

finally. i am logged in. is blogspot is having a problem or what? semalam takleh nak login langsung.

anyway. as working mom, i, at times, am torn between wanting to prepare good meals (in the case of weekdays, it's dinner) for mdh and the kids and to just relax after a long day in the office. i am blessed with a husband who cooks as well as not being too cerewet about meal. i know some husbands expect a full spread of nasi, sayur and 2-3 lauk for dinner. even for fulltime housewife, if you have small kids, it is quite,.. well,.. challenging i guess (i am not one so i dont really know, i just guess). and for me who, on the average, reached home at about 7-730 p.m. every working day - that is a big challenge.

anyway. i begged my husband to let me practise my limited culinary skill last night. so, our dinner was PASTA SPIRALI with TUNA FLAKE. (he later add TUNA OMELETTE SANDWICH).

- Spiral pasta (boiled as instruced on packaging)
- Garlic (slice thinly)
- Yellow onion (cut into small cubes)
- Pasta sauce (i used preggo's traditional sauce)
- Mushroom (slice/dice)
- Tuna in water (flake)
- Mix vege
- Salt
- Rosemary

- sautee garlic and onion until sweat. (jgn sampai naik kaler coklat)
- add pasta sauce. add water if too thick. leave to simmer a bit
- add pasta
- add mushroom and mix vege
- add salt and a bit of rosemary
- add tuna flake
- mix well
- serve hot
Note: Add chili if you like.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

chicken chop

Category - food for all

well, we had homemade CHICKEN CHOP meal for dinner last night. fo first-timers, it was quite an accomplishment, i must say. i've always thought preparing western-meal would be difficult. in the case of last night's CHICKEN CHOP, it was an overstatement. it wasn't that hard actually.

i, the official recipe-seacher did the reading-aloud while mdh did the cooking. satisfied with the output, i am sharing the recipe here. recipe is divided into 3 parts (i)chicken (ii)gravy and (iii)accompaniments.

(i) chicken
-chicken legs - debone, cleaned and pat dry. leave the skin intact.
- wochertershire sauce
- salt
- ground pepper
- corn flour

- marinade chicken with wochestreshire sauce, salt, ground pepper for at least 2-3 hrs, preferably overnight.
- coat the chicken with cornflour.
- deep fry until cooked.

(ii) gravy
- 2 tbs butter
- 1 tbs flour
- chicken stock
- tomatoes - seeded, cut into small cubes
- button mushroom - slice
- soy sauce
- salt
- sugar
- kulit kayu manis, bunga cengkih & bunga lawang

- cairkan butter in a pan
- add flour dan masak sampai it turns brownish
- add boiling chicken stock, bring to a boil
- add soy sauce, salt, sugar, kulit kayu manis, bunga cengkih and bungan lawang
- let it simmer for a while
- add tomatoes and mushroom
- simmer for another 5-10 minutes until gravy thickens

(iii) accompaniments

- bunga kubis
- carrot
- potato
- tomato

- cut everything into small pieces
- steam bunga kobis, carrot and potato until tender. sprinkle some rosemary on potato.
- let to cool a bit
- toss with a bit of salt and olive oil
- serve with tomato as well

to serve, place chicken in a plate, pour gravy on it. add accompaniments.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

fried wantan

category: food for all

uh, my last post was 10th april2006? i cant believe that myself!

anyway, my posting on babyfood may not be as frequent as before. muhammad iman is already a bubbly 1 1/2 yrs toddling boy. naturally, he began to refused the food i normally feed him - with the exception of applesauce, however. i'm doing lots of running around and wiping up feeding him as he'll be here and there, up and down. for those who wonder how do i maintain a 46kg weight - i have 2 active kids and i dont have a maid PLUS my husband doesnt normally eat rice for dinner. i'll start posting toddlerfood instead, i guess. but i still welcome request. like the other day mamafynn asked oat-based recipe. i bought 2 books on that (toddler meal). plus, other cookbook with easy peasy recipes for working mom like most of us.

some asked for wantan recipe. thousand apologies for the delay. nevertheless, here goes..
note af caution - this was prepared by my husband, i am merely conveying his recipe since he's not in the mood to post the recipe himself

isi udang - mince finely
isi ayam - mince finely
garlic - mince finely
white pepper
daun sup - mince finely
a bit of corn-flour
sesame oil
kulit wantan
a small bowl of water

step by step
- mix all ingredient except kulit wantan and water.
- shape into small ball and place on kulit wantan.
- trace a bit of water along the edges of kulit wantan.
- shape/bungkus in anyway you like as long as isi tak keluar.

1. make sure the ingredients tak lembap, else kulit wantan koyak.
2. since i feel it's a bit hard for me to explain how we bungkus the thing, you can check this site for alternative wrapping-style.
3. isi wantan can be made from canned-sardin+big onion. just make sure the canned-sardin is well drained.
4. wantan can also be frozen. i'm not sure the max duration but we kept for about a week in the freezer and they still tasted as just-prepared.

selamat mencuba!