Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Prawn Toast

This one was for breakfast. We had some slices of breads at the verge of expiry. So, not to waste anything, I did this. They may look like 'roti telur' but I added prawns for flavour. Kakak loves this one very much.

1. Roti - 6 keping
2. Telur - 2 biji
3. Udang - 10-12 ekor (saiz sedang), buang kulit, basuh dan toskan
4. Garam - secukup rasa
5. Lada sulah - secukup rasa

- Masukkan semua bahan kecuali roti ke dalam blender dan blend sehingga konsistensinya menjadi seperti 'kaya'. Ia akan lebih mudah disapu pada roti.
- Panaskan skillet dan lenserkan sedikit minyak masak.
- Sapukan pada roti, on one side. Letakkan di atas skillet panas, bahagian bersapu ke bawah.
- Sementara bahagian bawahnya masak, sapukan pula bahagian atas.
- Setelah bahagian bawah masak, pusingkan roti untuk memasak satu bahagian lagi.
- Hidangkan panas-panas.

Lempeng Makaroni & Udang

Having small kids at home means to constantly have food on the table. When hunger strike, they barely know how to be patience (at least my kids lahh..)

Prepared this for tea yesterday.

1. Makaroni - 3 cawan, rebus dan toskan
2. Udang - 1 1/2 cawan, basuh, tos dan potong dadu
3. Bawang besar - 1/2 labu, potong dadu
4. Cili besar - 1 biji, buang biji, potong kecil
5. Daun bawang - 1-2 batang, potong kecil
6. Kiub ikan bilis - 1
7. Telur - 2 biji
8. Tepung gandum - 2 sudu besar
9. Sedikit air
10. Garam - jika perlu, secukup rasa

- Campurkan semua bahan dan gaul rata. Tambah garam jika tidak cukup masin.
- Panaskan kuali dengan sedikit minyak.
- Gorengkan kedua-dua belah hingga kekuningan.

I did 2 versions. For the kids, I omitted cili and scallion.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sambal Ikan Bilis

Semalam buat Nasi Lemak for lunch. To accompany the rice, saya buat Sambal Ikan Bilis. Kalau balik Losong (satu kawasan di Kuala Terengganu yang famous dengan keropok), mak mertua saya akan buat sambal yang agak berkuah, siap dengan telur rebus keras, ikan bilis dan juga ikan aye (tongkol) singgang. Boleh berulang-ulang makan. Memang sedap. Di KL susah nak cari ikan tongkol hitam (which my MIL uses). Yang ada pun ikan tongkol 'kurik'.

1. Bawang kisar (bawang merah, bawang putih + bawang besar -> I always keep a tub in my fridge)
2. Halia - hiris
3. Bawang besar - hiris melintang
4. Cili boh
5. Asam keping
6. Gula
7. Garam - Saya suka guna garam kasar. Rasa masakan lagi umphh.
8. Telur rebus keras - buang kulit
9. Ikan bilis - basuh dan toskan
10. Minyak untuk menumis

- Panaskan minyak.
- Tumis bawang kisar dan halia hingga naik bau.
- Masukkan cili boh dan tumis lagi.
- Masukkan gula dan garam kasar, tumis lagi hingga agak garing
- Masukkan sedikit air dan biarkan mendidih sekejap.
- Masukkan bawang besar, didihkan sehingga agak layu.
- Masukkan ikan bilis dan telur rebus. Didihkan sekejap.
- Masukkan asam keping.
- Masak sehingga agak kering.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Nasi Minyak Tokmi & Gulai Nasi Minyak

These, were what we had for Eidul Adha.. Although we did not get to go balik either my or Tebby's kampung, this Nasi Minyak & its accompanying gulai, surely brought us back.. tho not physically. And I know I accomplish something when Tebby commented 'just like Mi does it'.

I've shared the recipe of Nasi Minyak TokMi here. Last time I did it with Gulai Ala Akhni. This time I made the real Gulai Nasi Minyak. However, as I learned this from my MIL, there's no specific measurement. She simply 'main campak-campak and agak-agak only'. So your judgement is important. But I try to share for about a kg of beef. Here goes the recipe..

1. Meat (I used beef) - Cut into medium sized chunks. Wash and drain.
2. Fried shallot (bawang goreng) - You need quite a lot, for a of beef, you're gonna need about 6-8 tbsp of this. If you're too lazy to do this yourself (like me, but let's call it convenience), you can use the ready-made fried shallot. So far, the best I found is 'Maju Limbat'. Bought it in Pasar Sungei Besi.
3. Rempah Gulai Nasi Minyak - 6-8 tbsp. This, was given by my inlaws. Cap Dayang Suri. I don't know where to get it here. I always got my supply back from Terengganu.
4. Susu pekat manis - 1/2 of small can
5. Susu cair - 1/2 - 3/4 of small can
6. Bawang besar - blend
7. Bawang merah - blend
6 & 7 should come to about 6-8 tbsp
8. Sos tomato - 6-8 tbsp
9. Cili boh - 4-6 tbsp
10. Bawang putih - 2 ulas, hiris
11. Bawang meah - 2 biji, hiris
12. Daun pandan - 2 helai
13. Minyak sapi - 2-3 tbsp MIL advises us to always use BBQ brand
14. Kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang, bunga cengkih, pelaga

- Mix item 1-9 and leave to marinate for 1-2 hours.
- Panaskan minyak sapi.
- Tumis item item 14 hingga naik bau diikuti dengan item 10 - 12.
- Masukkan bahan yang telah diperap.
- Biarkan hingga menggelegak sedikit dan air agak kering.
- Tambah air dan garam dan biarkan mendidih hingga masak. (anggaran masa 45-1.5 jam, baru elok empuk)

This is the rempah btw. It comes in plastic-packaging. I transfered the content into a glass jar and cut off its label and pasted it here. Senang nak refer what else can be done with it!

Udang Ala Mamak

This, was done by Tebby. Haven't got the chance to ask him what the ingredients are. Obviously he used lemongrass.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Tebby's Nasi Ayam

Tebby is d*** good at making Nasi Ayam. It sent me eating lunch way before lunch time!

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Agar-agar Telur 'Nnisang Kerek'

Agar-agar Ikan, the kids called it. Much to their delight.

The Kelantanese call these 'Nise' as opposed to orang Terengganu - 'Nnisang'

Terengganu people have this inclination to use 'nnisang kerek' when making porridge - namely Bubur Jagung, Bubur Gandum or even as one of the ingredients when making their Gula Ikang Aye (Gulai Ikan Tongkol) to be eaten with yummy Nasi Dagang. Kinda weird when I refer the Terengganu people as 'they' when I myself have blended (hey, I'm married to a man from there) with them.

I remember asking my FIL to bring along some 'kerek' of that 'nnisang' and, like always, he brought more than I asked for. If I requested for just 3, he'd bring along like 7 or 8. This 'manisan' come in round flat disc, around 1/2 inch thick. For those who happen to have have the experience mandi di telaga, you might know that round cement mould stack onto one another to make a telaga. Those are called 'kerek' in my kampung. So I guess that Nnisang Kerek's kerek, refers to that shape (kot - just my assumption) I still have a few discs in my fridge. The other day, I did agar-agar with that.

1. Dried agar-agar strips - soak 1/2 hour and clean
2. Daun pandan
3. Nnisang kerek
4. Gula pasir
5. Air
6. Telur - beat till stiff

- Cook nnisang kerek in a bit of water until fully dissolve.
- Add water to agar-agar strip and boil till dissolve.
- Add dissolved nnisang kerek (strain through sieve as you do this). Add a bit more of gula pasir if needed. Let to boil a while.
- Add beaten egg and stir until well mixed.
- Strain into mould and leave to cool. Better still, put into fridge.